Dishman Baseball

Professional Instruction from a Major League Pitcher

Learn from Experience

Rich Dishman has upwards of 10 years of proffesional experience with organizations such as the Atlanta Braves, Miami Marlins, Milwaukee Brewers, and San Francisco Giants. In 1998, he led the Atlanta Braves Organization with the lowest team ERA. He has more than 8 years coaching experience, helping high school students in New York City learn the correct pitching mechanics. He knows what is safe for young pitchers through his time working as a Pitching Insturctor for the Sports Rehabilitation and Performance Center at New York's Hospital for Special Surgery.

He offers private pitching and baseball instruction, group pitching and baseball instruction, conditioning, video analysis, and academic enhancement programs in the Austin, Texas area.

Our Video Analysis Program

The Dishman Baseball Video Analysis Program is a great way for players who don't have access to a good pitching coach to receive high end coaching. Your video file can be sent to DishmanBaseball by email. It is then edited, analyzed and returned as a finished product by email. If you live abroad the analysis can be reviewed together on Skype.

It allows the user to track their mechanical progress. Video files are stored and can be shown side by side with future footage, which can help prevent slumps and provide structure to your mechanical development.

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